Saturday, April 20, 2013

Lou Chritton's Diary, April 1946

Dicey Louisa "Lou"
(Hogue) Chritton
My great-grandmother, Dicey Louisa "Lou" (Hogue) Chritton, began keeping a diary on the first of January, 1946. She was 70 years old. The diary was a pocket "five year diary" with each page marked with five small slots to be filled in on the same date each year for five years. This is an excerpt from her diary.

Lou is living with her son-in-law and daughter, Leamon and Ora "Mae" Moot, in Wichita. She suffered from a thyroid condition that cause a goiter. During this month, she begins nearly daily treatments to reduce the size of the goiter.

Monday, April 1, 1946
I took care of two kids today. Then I just set around the rest of the time.

Tuesday, April 2, 1946
I was alone all day. It seems like long days, too. Don’t know anyone here.

Wednesday, April 3, 1946
I took care of kids today, and was I a sick woman. Couldn’t hardly make it.

Thursday, April 4, 1946
I took care of kids today. My it was a windy day. I feel better, but not too good yet.

Friday, April 5, 1946
This is another windy day and I am alone. Don’t feel like doing anything yet.

Saturday, April 6, 1946
I went to the store today with Mae. I still am feeling weak and bad. Am getting tired.

Sunday, April 7, 1946
I have been in bed most of this day. Mae is at home. It is Sunday. Leamon is working.

Monday, April 8, 1946
I took care of kids today. It isn’t a very big job or I wouldn’t do it.

Tuesday, April 9, 1946
I took care of them today. It is cold and rained some. Feels like winter again.

Wednesday, April 10, 1946
Betty came today. I was a little surprised. Mae had sent for her, but she got here sooner than I thought.

Thursday, April 11, 1946
Betty is going to meet Mae today. They are going to talk to the doctor, then I am going to take treatments.

Friday, April 12, 1946
I took my first treatment this morning. It felt like cats scratching my back. Ha ha.

Saturday, April 13, 1946
I took a treatment today. Oh how the wind blew. Kenny sent me his picture with his group in Navy.

Sunday, April 14, 1946
I fried three chickens for dinner today. Mae and Betty has gone to a show. Leamon and I are at home.

Monday, April 15, 1946
I went to the Dr today. It was cold and windy. I think I am better. This is three treatments.

Tuesday, April 16, 1946
Our neighbors took us to the Dr today and a lady brought us home. I told the Dr he was killing me.

Wednesday, April 17, 1946
I went back to the Dr today. He treated me worse than he did yesterday. I guess I will live through it.

Thursday, April 18, 1946
I went again to Doc. He didn’t treat me hardly so rough. I guess I can take it.

Friday, April 19, 1946
I have been to Doctor today. I am some better. I guess he is doing all right. It seems that way.

Saturday, April 20, 1946
I went to town with Betty and Mae. I got Betty a new dress. Mae got her a pair shoes.

Sunday, April 21, 1946
I just about coughed my head off today and it ached till I could see stars.

Monday, April 22, 1946
I went to the Dr. It was rainy and I wasn’t very well, but I made [it] OK.

Tuesday, April 23, 1946
I went and seen Doc today and I felt pretty bad. I felt so weak and coughed so much.

Wednesday, April 24, 1946
Have been to see Doc again today. Feel some better than I did. I am going to rest awhile.

Thursday, April 25, 1946
I went to Doc today. It was a fine day and I am feeling better all the time.

Friday, April 26, 1946
Have been to see Doc again. Am going every day. I think it is better than wait[ing] 2 or 3 days apart.

Saturday, April 27, 1946
I have been to see the doctor today. It looks quite rainy. I am glad it didn’t rain on me.

Sunday, April 28, 1946
Lynn and Laura came to see me today. We had a nice time, but the time was too short. I feel better.

Monday, April 29, 1946
Been to the doctor today. He is treating me rough, but my neck is getting smaller.

Tuesday, April 30, 1946
Have been to the doctor. Am feeling lots better. It is quite a job to get out there.

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