Al and Lou Chritton
photographed in
the 1930s. The little
boy is their grandson
Jack Huscher, who is
the "Jackie" referred to
on February 24, 1946. |
My great-grandmother, Dicey Louisa "Lou" (Hogue) Chritton, began keeping a diary on the first of January, 1946. She was 70 years old. The diary was a pocket "five year diary" with each page marked with five small slots to be filled in on the same date each year for five years. This is an excerpt from her diary.
During this period Lou is living with her son-in-law and daughter, Leamon and Ora "Mae" Moot, in Wichita.
Monday, February 4, 1946
I cooked a swiss steak for supper and made a butterscotch
pudding for supper. Oh hum.
Tuesday, February 5, 1946
This is a bad day. The dust is blowing so bad I can’t hardly
see across the house. Ha ha.
Wednesday, February 6, 1946
It is real nice today. Mae is working and I have nothing to
do. So I guess I will write some letters.
Thursday, February 7, 1946
I went visiting today and made Mae a dress. We went to Ola
Shanks’. Had a nice time.