Friday, March 15, 2013

Lou Chritton's Diary, January 1 - 6, 1946

Lou (Hogue) Chritton
(May 19, 1874 -
November 9, 1950)
My great-grandmother, Dicey Louisa "Lou" (Hogue) Chritton, began keeping a diary on the first of January, 1946. She was 70 years old. The diary was a pocket "five year diary" with each page marked with five small slots to be filled in on the same date each year for five years. This is an excerpt from her diary.

Tuesday, January 1, 1946: 
I am at Mae's* in Wichita this fine day. We are washing and visiting with pleasure. I am happy.

Wednesday, January 2, 1946
Mae went to work today. I am a little lonely, but have a nice, warm place to stay and do as I like.

Thursday, January 3, 1946
I embroidered some today for pastime. It was a beautiful day and I was alone.

Friday, January 4, 1946
Mae was home with me today. We went shopping and, oh, did it rain. We had to take a taxi home.

Saturday, January 5, 1946
I embroidered some today. Mae was home with me. We didn't work much, just talked.

Sunday, January 6, 1946
Marie and Larry came to see us today. Then we went visiting in the evening.

In the news this week:
Japanese Emperor Hirohito declared that he was not descended from the sun god and that the emperor is not a living god. General Douglas McArthur began a purge of undesirable personnel from the Japanese government. A series of tornadoes in east Texas killed 28 and injured more than 300 people. Adolf Eichmann escaped from an American detention camp. Sunday's Jack Benny radio program featured the Rose Bowl Game and the debut of Mr. Kitzel, the "pickle in the middle and the mustard on top" man.

* Her daughter, Ora Mae (Chritton) Moot, who lived in Wichita, Kansas. According to Lou's note on the inside cover of the diary, she "came to Wichita, Dec 26, 1945."

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