Friday, March 22, 2013

Lou Chritton's Diary, January 14 - 20, 1946

Dicey Louisa (Hogue) Chritton
as a young girl.
My great-grandmother, Dicey Louisa "Lou" (Hogue) Chritton, began keeping a diary on the first of January, 1946. She was 70 years old. The diary was a pocket "five year diary" with each page marked with five small slots to be filled in on the same date each year for five years. This is an excerpt from her diary.

During this period Lou is living with her son-in-law and daughter, Leamon and Ora "Mae" Moot, in Wichita.

Monday, January 14, 1946: 

They* are both working today and I am baking bread and cooking beans. Oh, look out for the poppers.

Tuesday, January 15, 1946:
Jack** got home the 14th. He looks good to me. We are going to town this morning.

Wednesday, January 16, 1946
Zane came home today and his cousin came with him. Now we have three sailors.

Thursday, January 17, 1946
I took care of some little children today in Wichita. I don't feel very good this evening.

Friday, January 18, 1946
Zane and his cousin came again tonight. The boys are having a good time on their furlough.

Saturday, January 19, 1946
Mae and I made candy for Jackie to take to camp with him and we played cards awhile.

Sunday, January 20, 1946
Jack and Zane are both leaving this morning. I sure hate to see Jackie go. He will be a long way from home.

This week in the news:
On Tuesday, 14 miners were killed in an explosion in West Virginia. Meat packers and meat cutters unions went on strike. The United Nations Security Council took up its first order of business. Gen. Douglas MacArthur formed the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal. Charles de Gaulle resigned as President of France. On Sunday's Jack Benny Program Jack was named honorary mayor of Anaheim, Azuza, and Cucamonga.

* Refers to her son-in-law and daughter, Leaman and Ora "Mae" (Chritton) Moot. 
** 18-year-old Jack Huscher is Mae's son from her first marriage to Rollo Huscher, who died 1927.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Lou Chritton's Diary, January 7 - 13, 1946

Lou (Hogue) Chritton
(May 19, 1874 -
November 9, 1950)
My great-grandmother, Dicey Louisa "Lou" (Hogue) Chritton, began keeping a diary on the first of January, 1946. She was 70 years old. The diary was a pocket "five year diary" with each page marked with five small slots to be filled in on the same date each year for five years. This is an excerpt from her diary.

Monday, January 7, 1946: 
I haven't been well today, but I embroidered some any way. It has been a fine day.

Tuesday, January 8, 1946: 
Mae was home today. We baked some lemon pies and finished a dresser scarf.

Wednesday, January 9, 1946: 
I was alone today so I started another scarf, got tired, and read a little.

Thursday, January 10, 1946: 
Mae and I roasted a turkey today and it isn't Thanksgiving either, just to have something good.

Friday, January 11, 1946: 
It has been stormy today, has snowed and looks like more coming. It makes me have the blues.

Saturday, January 12, 1946: 
Mae and I went shopping today. It was pretty cold. I had to dance around a little to keep warm.

Sunday, January 13, 1946: 
Leaman* worked today. Mae and I just layed around all day. Played a few games of cards in the evening.

This week in the news:
The first meeting of the United Nations General Assembly convened. A ceasefire was declared in the Chinese Civil War. The Sunday Dick Tracy comic strip introduced the "two-way wrist radio." Sunday's Jack Benny radio show features the story of Saturday's rehearsal of a State Fair skit.

* Leaman Moot is Mae's husband, Lou's son-in-law.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Lou Chritton's Diary, January 1 - 6, 1946

Lou (Hogue) Chritton
(May 19, 1874 -
November 9, 1950)
My great-grandmother, Dicey Louisa "Lou" (Hogue) Chritton, began keeping a diary on the first of January, 1946. She was 70 years old. The diary was a pocket "five year diary" with each page marked with five small slots to be filled in on the same date each year for five years. This is an excerpt from her diary.

Tuesday, January 1, 1946: 
I am at Mae's* in Wichita this fine day. We are washing and visiting with pleasure. I am happy.

Wednesday, January 2, 1946
Mae went to work today. I am a little lonely, but have a nice, warm place to stay and do as I like.

Thursday, January 3, 1946
I embroidered some today for pastime. It was a beautiful day and I was alone.

Friday, January 4, 1946
Mae was home with me today. We went shopping and, oh, did it rain. We had to take a taxi home.

Saturday, January 5, 1946
I embroidered some today. Mae was home with me. We didn't work much, just talked.

Sunday, January 6, 1946
Marie and Larry came to see us today. Then we went visiting in the evening.

In the news this week:
Japanese Emperor Hirohito declared that he was not descended from the sun god and that the emperor is not a living god. General Douglas McArthur began a purge of undesirable personnel from the Japanese government. A series of tornadoes in east Texas killed 28 and injured more than 300 people. Adolf Eichmann escaped from an American detention camp. Sunday's Jack Benny radio program featured the Rose Bowl Game and the debut of Mr. Kitzel, the "pickle in the middle and the mustard on top" man.

* Her daughter, Ora Mae (Chritton) Moot, who lived in Wichita, Kansas. According to Lou's note on the inside cover of the diary, she "came to Wichita, Dec 26, 1945."

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Albert Herman Chritton (March 8, 1860 - March 28, 1938)

Albert Herman Chritton
Albert Herman Chritton
Born March 8, 1860 in Clarksville, Tennessee, USA.
Married Dicey Louisa "Lou" Hogue, Circa 1892.
Died March 29, 1938 in Pomona, Howell, Missouri, USA.
Buried in Mt. Zion Church, Howell, Missouri, USA.

Father: Joseph Washburn Chritton
Mother: Nancy Derrickson


Albert Herman Chritton was born on Thursday, March 8, 1860 in Clarksville, Tennessee. His parents were 40-year-old Joseph Washburn Chritton, a carpenter and tanner, and 38-year-old Nancy Derrickson.

Al was the second youngest of Joseph and Nancy’s large family. When he was born, he already had eight older siblings, Mary (18), James Monroe (16), William F. (14), Christopher C. (12), Rachel A. (11), Isaiah Derrickson “I.D.” (8), Josiah J. (5), and Alexander Adkin “Ad” (2).

Joseph Washburn Chritton (June 14, 1819 - November 2, 1906)


Born: June 14, 1819 in Brown County, Ohio
Married 1: Nancy Derrickson/Dirickson
Married 2: Elizabeth Jane (Black) Ringler
Died: November 2, 1906 near Denison, Texas

Father: Christopher Santfort Chritton
Mother: Eura Eaton Drake